I just received a photo of this "unknown" brand of bike with the following comment:
The bike was merely being ridden and had not been involved in a crash of any sort. The whole fork column came straight through the head tube without warning! As can be seen the aluminium cups that support the carbon have come away completely leaving the bare carbon. The head-tube has failed completely. Scary!
This story came from the inside, so all identify marks and names have been removed.
If anonymity is really an issue with this bike then that picture needs some more editing - I can still read the brand name on the down tube.
Not sure I like this photo being on here John.
Anyone who knows bikes well would realize which company it is. I happen to like this company so I'll keep it to myself.
That can happen to any frame ridden by a dip shit who doesn't adjust the headset properly.
Horse Hockey!!!!! jb once on my 853 steel reynolds frame i once had my head set come loose in a one hundred mile race and my bicycle never did what his did, and unfortunately for me i could not turn my finger in to a allen wrench and so i pressed on any way even thought we were on the rough roads in pa. which have quite a few pot holes and some roads at best were broken old road in need of repair and all that happend to my bicycle was my headset had some Brinnelling and was replaced and the bicycle was fine it has reynolds steel fork thank goodness. i doubt if a carbon fork would have made it. i finished race rattled to death, but none the less finished.
Cannondale Taurine. I have one, its tough as army boots. This looks like crash damage to me. 1.5inch steerer tubes are pretty stiff, so it prolly ripped out of the frame on impact.
Cannondale Taurine. I have one, its tough as army boots. This looks like crash damage to me. 1.5inch steerer tubes are pretty stiff, so it prolly ripped out of the frame on impact.
Fuck off
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