From the Australian Cycling Forums, Joel sent me this photo. I'm not sure how the rider is OK when I keep hurting myself in 5km/h crashes.
Photos of broken carbon fiber bicycle components.
Aaron just sent me a link to this YouTube video. It looks like the tire pops and them the wheel disintegrates. Amazing they stayed upright as long as they did.
Got my bike down to Wanaka, New Zealand for an Ironman last week and found only half a brake lever... don't think I packed it as well as I should have.
Replaced with alloy brake levers, I'm saying no to Carbon in the short term! Photos aren't the best, but you definitely get the gist!
FSA post on a Marin Mount Vision. Going over a fairly small (c.18” bump), seated and slow.... a little creak... then a full-scale snap! Just outside warranty too. And no, I didn’t impale anything!