Ryan sent me this story about his friend Josh's bike.
The bike flew off of the roof of my car at 75 mph, shattering my rear window and bouncing down Interstate 95 in Maine, in the dark, on the way back from a crit in September 2007. The bike bounced into the road and got run over by a Mercedes C-class (my insurance company later found out that it punctured the oil tank of the Mercedes) and was totally wrecked. Luckily no one was hurt.What had apparently happened was that Josh forgot to secure the rear wheel on my roof rack. The bike was facing backwards, and the carbon dropouts broke (they were still in my Thule tray!) and the bike went flying.We collected the bike, put it in the back seat of my car (which was now covered in shattered glass) and Josh kept it in his apartment as a piece of "art".Amazingly, the SRM survived the entire ordeal, and was in perfect shape, and lived on to be used on Josh's TT bike.
Use the tubes as dildo for your old woman.
^^ Thanks for your contribution. I'm sure we all got quite a chuckle out of that bit 'o' wit.
once, when I was working in a shop, a customer brought in his Serotta that had fallen off his rear car rack. I did a beautiful resto on it, bunch of new parts.
he comes back like a week later; it fell off the rack AGAIN!
I think we sold him a new bike rack that time :)
of course, being that his Serotta was steel, we checked the alignment and went over the whole thing; it was fine. stem and bars took the brunt of the trauma.
Amazing the Cannondale SystemSix carbon/alloy junction at the seat tube is still intact!
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