Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Annoyed? Burn it with fire!

This is one of the stranger emails I've received. After Ritchey and Cambria both refused to warranty his fork, Wayne decided to burn it in protest. He then sent a photo of the burning fork to the customer service departments.


Psyclepathic said...

The revolution will not be televised!

Unknown said...

Best. Post. EVAR!

Unknown said...


aratchet said...

I hope he left it on a well used cycling route. That way it can be listed such as" when you come to a burnt Ritchey fork in the road make a left".

Pastor Bob at KCPC said...

I hope he grilled a tasty steak when the coals were ready.

Anonymous said...

A designer at a well-known US manufacturer told me that they reverse engineered an Italian rival's forks something like this: burning off layers of carbon in some kind of furnace/oven to work out the number and types of weaves that were used.

Anonymous said...

exactly where it belongs

Anonymous said...

Never buy from Cambria Bikes then. Public shaming,ha, stick it to them.